Eliminating preventable death by using technologies.

Eliminating preventable death by using technologies.


Fcuro Inc. has been selected as a finalist for the ‘AICHI NEXT UNICORN LEAGUE’ Season 3. CEO, Naoki Okada present at the final screening event on Thursday, February 6.
An interview with our CEO, Okada, has been featured on the Mitou Foundation’s “CREATORS”
Naoki Okada, CEO of Fcuro Inc., to Speak at the 9th Medical Automation Research Meeting
Shusuke Inoue, CTO of Fcuro Inc., to Speak at 「Hack Osaka2024 ~Link Innovation to Our Future~」
fcuro is selected as Acceleration program “SCAP” assisting startups in expanding business overseas intensively.
More Detail



To develop AI-based technologies to help emergency physicians save lives


Eliminating preventable death by using technologies


Severity evaluation system for emergency whole-body CT scans

We are developing an "severity evaluation system" for the treatment of trauma. It is one of the most urgent emergency conditions. Our system uses AI to assist diagnosing whole-body CT scans, which is time consuming and requires ER doctors a great deal of effort. The project leader is an active emergency physician and specializes in medical AI development, and other project members have rich experience in AI development and implementation. We are working with doctors in clinical fields to develop evaluation models for multiple organs. In parallel with the development, we are constantly obtaining feedback through on-site trials to ensure the optimal implementation for the clinical site.

AI-assisted COVID-19 Diagnosis

We are developing a COVID-19 diagnostic AI model, which analyzesCT images to accurately and quickly triage COVID-19-infected patients. As a part of COVID-19 AI & Simulation Project by the Cabinet Secretariat, we collected patient data from more than 4,000 cases from 12 medical institutions in Japan with the backup of the Japanese Association for Acute Medicine. The project leader, a front-line COVID doctor, and the engineering team at fcuro are developing with emergency physicians an AI model which is optimized for clinical sites in Japan. We implement our system at joint research partner hospitals.

Artificial inteligence tool for the development of diagnostic imaging AI

The most difficult part of developing diagnostic imaging AI is to prepare training datasets. Training datasets are created from DICOM images and diagnostic imaging reports, but the formats of these data are often not standardized. We are developing a system that semi-automatically creates highly reliable training data sets by standardizing and correlating these two types of data. Through joint research with doctors in the clinical field, we are currently improving our system so that medical professionals without special knowledge in AI engineering would also be able to develop diagnostic imaging AI.


Naoki Okada / Naoki Okada

After graduating from School of Medicine at Keio University, Okada works as an ER doctor at an altitude emergency and critical care medical center. He is a member of the Japanese Association for Acute Medicine artificial intelligence research activation special committee. Okada was awarded the first government-certified pathfinder (acute medicine) in the Mitou AI frontier program as well as 2020 Mitou Advanced Business Innovator. He founded fcuro Inc. with the mission to implement R&D technologies at emergency medical care sites.

CTO, Chief AI Engineer
Shusuke Inoue / Shusuke Inoue

Inoue graduated from the department of Informatics and Mathematical Science at Kyoto university and has a Master degree in Informatics from the same university. He was in an R&D section at Sony Corporation for five years and worked on developing AI core technology, cloud systems and AI solutions. His professional experiences include launching new businesses, joint research with other companies, participating in tech exhibitions, etc. Inoue was awarded 2020 Mitou Advanced Business Innovator. Inoue left Sony when he co-founded fcuro Inc. with Okada and became our CTO.

Company Info

Company Name

fcuro inc.

Representative Director

President and CEO Naoki Okada

Business Contents

(1) Developing Medical AI / Supporting development of human resources;
(2) Developing and provisioning medical systems;
(3) Supporting clinical research.


1 million yen


Osaka City
